You may be thinking about this question more and more as you near your due date. Choosing whether to breast-feed your baby or use formula milk is entirely your decision. Breast-feeding and formula each has its own pros and cons. To be able to make a better decision in this regards, you need to know the pros and cons of each way.
Pros of Breast-feeding
• Breast-feeding provides your baby with an almost perfect combination of everything they need up until their sixth month, and continue to provide those nutrients for as long and you decide to nurse.
• Breast milk contains antibodies that help the baby’s body fight infections caused by viruses and bacteria.
• The act of breast-feeding stimulates the release of oxytocin, the bonding hormone. This hormone strengthens the bond between mother and baby.
• Breast milk is digested more easily than formula, so it causes less vomiting and diarrhea. It also has enzymes and good bacteria that promote healthy gut growth.
• Breastfeeding is beneficial to the mother as well as it helps with weight loss and protects against disease, such as breast cancer, and depression.
• Breast milk is cost-free, and it does not require the use of bottles that you need to buy and then wash and sterilize after each use.
Cons of Breast-feeding
• Breast-feeding can be uncomfortable and even painful at times, especially in the first few weeks after your baby is born.
• Breast-feeding mothers need to be careful about what they eat or drink because it can pass to their babies. Caffeine, for instance, should be limited because it passes to your baby. The same goes for medications so you should always consult your doctor about drugs and let them know you are nursing.
• Newborns feed 8-12 times a day, and each session lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. Since breast-feeding means you need to be available with your baby at every feeding, it is a big commitment.
Pros of Formula
• We are not sure this is technically a pro, but it should be mentioned that formula is a healthy choice for your baby and is the next best thing after breast milk.
• Formula milk is very convenient to use. Your baby can be fed by anyone at any time.
• Formula is digested slower than breast milk, so your baby may remain full for a little longer, leading to less frequent feeds.
• You can drink and eat whatever you want without worrying about it passing to your baby.
Cons of Formula
• Formula lacks the antibodies in breast milk and so provides no protection against infections.
• Although healthy and nutrient-rich, it cannot match the near-perfect mixture of breast milk.
• Formula is more likely to cause your baby constipation, gas, and diarrhea.
• Formula milk and whatever paraphernalia you need with it, such as bottle and sterilizers, can rack up expenses.
Like we said at the beginning, this is a personal decision, and you should decide whatever works best for you and your baby. In fact, some mothers nowadays choose both ways; they breast-feed their babies when they can and supplement with formula when they have to, so this option may work for you too.