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Getting Rid of Whiteheads

Whiteheads are the result of your pores or hair follicles getting clogged with dead skin cells, dirt, or the naturally produced oil in your skin. Bacteria will then start growing in the clogged pore and cause an immune response that leads to inflammation. Whiteheads then appear if the follicle is still under your skin’s surface.


Dealing with whiteheads might be a little more difficult than dealing with blackheads, especially due to that whiteheads cannot be pushed out like blackheads. Here are a few steps that can help you deal with whiteheads and even prevent them.



Boil some water and place it in a bowl, and then place your face over the bowl. Exposing skin affected by whiteheads to steam helps unclog the pores, which helps remove and potentially protect against whiteheads.



Applying acidic substances like apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to your face can unclog pores and reduce the chance of them appearing in the first place. If you plan to use apple cider vinegar, dilute it by mixing two tablespoons in a large glass of water (240 milliliters). Lemon juice can be used diluted or undiluted. Leave either on your face for 20 minutes before washing it off.



Avoid touching your face unless you are washing or applying skincare products. Touching your face will transfer bacteria to your face that will enter your pores and cause whiteheads to develop.


No Popping


Avoid the temptation to pop whiteheads at all costs. Popping whiteheads often leads to scarring of the skin underneath, which creates a completely new problem for you. If you could not resist the urge or a whitehead somehow popped by accident, wash your face immediately.


Chemical Exfoliation

Both physical and chemical exfoliation work well to prevent whiteheads as they help remove dead skin cells and clean out your pores. Chemical exfoliants, however, are more efficient for this purpose.


Retinoid Cream

Retinoid creams are an excellent addition to your beauty routine and can help give you youthful and radiant skin. Retinoid creams can also keep your pores open and prevent the formation of whiteheads.



Always make sure to completely remove makeup before you sleep. Makeup products can contribute to clogging your pores and cause whiteheads to appear. Also, try looking for makeup products labeled as oil-free as they contribute less to clogging your pores.

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