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Are You in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship?

Being in an emotionally abusive relationship can be extremely difficult. Not many of those in an emotionally abusive relationship can identify that they are actually in the midst of an abusive relationship because there is no physical violence involved. But the effect of emotional abuse on the person can be as bad as physical abuse and just as hurtful.

Emotional or psychological abuse is when one person in the relationship tries to control the other person’s feelings and behavior and frighten them. Emotional abuse has many negative effects on those who are subjected to it. Such effects include:

• Resentment and anger
• Sleep problems
• Low self-esteem
• Developing bad habit, such as smoking or drinking excessively
• Mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression
• Feeling hopeless
• Problems concentrating
• Social withdrawal
• Feeling guilt

Emotional abuse can come in many different forms. Here are some examples of behaviors that if repeated frequently can be considered a form of emotional abuse:
• Yelling
• Name-calling
• Public embarrassment
• Negative comments on appearance
• Minimizing the importance of your accomplishments
• Threatening with abandonment of physical abuse
• Constantly monitoring your movements
• Giving orders and expecting you to follow without objection
• Taking big decisions without discussing them with you
• Lecturing you about errors or mistakes you did, no matter how little
• Controlling you financially
• Anger outbursts in response to things you did or did not do, or even for no reason at all
• Making unreasonable demands
• Feeling that you should meet their need no matter what you were doing at the moment
• Walking out while having a conversation
• Attempting to come between you and your family or friends
• Trying to turn others against you
• Do not act when they see you are hurt or crying
• Demanding your attention at all times when they are around
• Joking at your expense and then accuse you of not having a sense of humor
• Acting like they are always right or they do not commit mistakes
• Showing dissatisfaction for everything you do
• Do not accept your feelings and dismiss them as unimportant
• Being accused of being selfish when you express your needs
• Blaming you for mistakes they did
• Requiring you to ask permission for everything you want to do or buy
• Talking down or being condescending
• Excessive use of sarcasm when talking to you

These are only some of the methods used for emotional abuse, and there are many more things. Being in an abusive relationship can really chip away at your mental health and wellbeing, and affect every aspect of your life.

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