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Dealing with a Sprained Ankle

The treatment of your injury depends on its severity. Treatment of a sprained ankle aims at reducing pain and swelling, promoting ligament healing, and restoring ankle function. Severe injuries may require you going to a specialist in musculoskeletal injuries


The R.I.C.E. is the best way for self-care of an ankle sprain. Use it for the first two or three days. R.I.C.E. stands for:



Avoid activities that may cause or increase pain, swelling or discomfort.



Use a pack on the area of the injury for 15 to 20 minute every two to three hours to reduce pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor before doing this because it may not be suitable for people with certain conditions, like diabetes,



Compress the ankle with an elastic bandage to reduce or prevent swelling. Avoid wrapping the bandage too tightly so it does not hinder circulation.



Lift your ankle above the level of your heart to decrease swelling. Gravity helps drain the extra fluids to decrease swelling. This is especially helpful if done at night while sleeping.


How to Wrap a Bandage

Begin wrapping from the point furthest to your heart. Put a small section of the bandage just behind your toes and begin to wrap spirally toward your heart. Each layer of the bandage should cover half the width of the layer before it. Continue wrapping until for a little distance above the injury and until the skin is all covered.


Here are other things you can do to take care of a sprained ankle:


  • Using crutches if possible can reduce the pressure you put on your foot, which may contribute to healing faster.
  • Using over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen is usually enough to manage the pain.
  • Some balance and stability training and stretches for flexibility and range of motion can be very helpful. Start exercising your foot as soon as you are able to promote healing. Always consult your doctor first and do not overdo it.
  • Seek medical attention if you have severe pain or swelling or if you have signs of infection in the affected area such as redness, warmth and tenderness or fever.


You may have some swelling, stiffness or pain with the best of care, especially first thing in the morning or after having been active for several weeks.

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