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Minimize Your Pores with These Tips

The pores on your skin serve important functions in your body. Pores represent the openings of hair follicles on your skin, and they serve as a way for oil produced by oil or sebaceous glands to reach the skin. This natural oil called sebum helps keep your skin moist and supple. If these pores get clogged, with dead skin cells, for instance, they give rise to acne.


Pores exist almost everywhere on your body and face, even at places where hair does not grow. Pores are usually not noticeable except in certain areas where they are much larger than normal, such as the forehead and nose.


This means that pores are a structural part of your skin and that you cannot get rid of them entirely, but there are a few things you can do to minimize their appearance and make them less noticeable. And no, a cold shower will not work because pores contain no muscles that would contract in response to the cold temperature. Here is how you can shrink or minimize your pores.



You probably heard that you need to exfoliate your skin a million times by now, but it really does help with pores. Exfoliating skin once or twice a week helps remove dead skin cells and other debris that would clog your pores and make them largely less noticeable. You can also use a daily cleanser to maximize results.


Wear Sunscreen

Exposure to sunlight can lead to the breakdown of skin collagen and elastin, which will cause your skin to be less tight. Less tight skin means that your pores will appear larger and deeper. The best way to deal with this is by wearing sunscreen every time you plan to go outside, even during winter.


No Touching

Avoid touching your face unless you absolutely have, such as when your washing or applying skincare products to your face. Repeatedly touching your face can transfer bacteria from your hand to your face and then into pores and clog them.


Retinoid Cream

Retinoid creams boost your skin cell turnover, which will help minimize your pores over a few weeks of use.


Try Laser

A dermatologist can offer you laser treatments to minimize pores when you have tried everything else to no avail. Laser treatments can be costly and not all may work for you, so consult your dermatologist.

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